The making of my new logo

I recently decided to create my new logo according to my most recent experience and life changes.

In the last ten years or so I have approached a new awareness and spirituality, my experiences in Costa Rica with Griet, Fede and Ann, the teaching of my life guru Emil, the endless chats with Farah in Dubai gave me a very strong clarity with my life purpose and eventually a new me came out, personally, artistically and professionally.

To work out this task I needed to team up with a designer who knows me well and with a specific talent for illustration as well as graphic design. I have been brotherly friend and colleague with Manuel Putzolu ( for more than 30 years and we collaborated on many projects together since the early stages of my career in Italy. I also hired him recently for the logo and the official poster of my latest Exhibition “Oneirism” showing in Dubai in 2023. 

My briefing to Manuel for the new logo was to have one part depicting my commercial side and one part the artistic side.

So we came to a monogram, a bold A with a strong font, and a snake,  hand drawn forming an S, which envelops the A. So A and S, Antonio Saba, showcasing my two sides, the professional commercial photographer who has a very strong artistic side which permeates all his work.

I am very touched and happy with the result, and feel this will be my definitive logo.